I did tolerably well. I didn't see as many films as usual, only 36 this year; a lot for a normal human being, but compared to my SIFF-going friends (who saw two or three times as many) I'm a total fucking loser. On the other hand, I saw a greater percentage of good films and I got a hug from one of the directors, so I can hardly complain.
In any case, here's a quick tally of what I saw.
Films I really liked:
Life in Loops
4 Elements
A Walk Into The Sea
King of Kong
Free Floating
Scott Walker: 30 Century Man
Missing Star
Red Road
Films I liked:
Champagne Spy
Running on Empty
Art of Crying
Pervert's Guide to Cinema
The Boss of It All
It's Winter
Joe Strummer: The Future Is Unwritten
Films I kind of liked:
Great World of Sound
Big Combo
Dr. Bronner's Magic Soapbox
Big Rig
My Best Friend
Born and Bred
Films I didn't really like:
Black White + Gray
How to Cook Your Life
Son of Rambow
Before We Fall In Love Again
Crossing The Line
Man of My Life
Films I really didn't like:
Films that really just sucked:
One Day Like Rain
A Walk into the Sea image from the IMDb.
Testament to the unfathomable vastness that SIFF has become, is the fact that I saw thirty-one press screenings, five archival films and only three are on your list.